JANUARY 2025: Food writer Ruth Nieman introduced us to the history, tastes and scents of The Galilean Kitchen.
DECEMBER 2024: Our very enjoyable Christmas party: we all brought along a plate of finger food to share, and raised £100 for Little Village via a raffle.
NOVEMBER 2024: We held our AGM and installed our new committee, then made some beautiful Christmas Dove decorations from scrap paper.
OCTOBER 2024: Fine Cell Work volunteer (and Finchley WI member!) Sarah Citron introduced us to this locally-based prison charity's inspirational work.
SEPTEMBER 2024: Our speaker had to cancel at the last minute, but our Secretary came to the rescue with a fun quiz for us to do instead.
AUGUST 2024: In place of our usual monthly evening meeting, we enjoyed a very jolly day's outing to Margate, featuring coffee and cakes with Margate WI.
JULY 2024: Krissie Poyser gave us a great illustrated introduction to The History of Ballet in London.
JUNE 2024: We had a fun and different sort of evening, playing Bingo and eating fish and chips.
MAY 2024: Stunt artist Lucy Allen arrived by motorbike to give us a fabulous, very lively account of The Highs and Lows of a Stuntwoman's Life.
APRIL 2024: Craft evening - Decorating coat hangers with decoupage. Lots of messy fun with decorative tissue papers and PVA glue.
MARCH 2024: Vivien Morgan, author of Cross Dressed to Kill, gave us a fascinating, well-illustrated presentation explaining what made some young women dress as men and join the armed forces in the 17th to 20th centuries.
FEBRUARY 2024: Food writer Felicity Cloake gave us a lively, entertaining presentation about her epic cycling tour of Great Britain, in pursuit of its best breakfast.